Parents' Club

The Scoop on Parents’ Club

What is Parents’ Club?

Parents’ Club organizes and supports the committees which promote fellowship, provide encouragement and perform services for our school.  In addition, it oversees the distribution of raised funds to provide special classroom programs, materials, and educational items to school that tuition is not able to cover. Giving to support these efforts is completely optional.

Who makes up Parents’ Club?

Each of you, having a child enrolled at BCCS, is automatically a member of our Parents’ Club.  A board of nine volunteers leads the Club.  To communicate with the members of Parents’ Club, the board will include information in the weekly Family Newsletter; everyone is invited to attend the Parents’ Club meetings, and, additionally, you are always welcome to contact any of us at an time.

How can I become involved with school through Parents’ Club?

You may be asked from various Parents’ Club committees to help with an activity at school. In addition, throughout the year, we are pleased to provide several opportunities for you to share your talents and abilities, be it raising funds, providing services, promoting fellowship, or offering encouragement, all for the betterment of our school.

Attached is a list of the current Parents’ Club committees and descriptions. In the Spring, please prayerfully consider each of these committees and indicate which committees(s) you would like to be involved with when you complete the online enrollment process.

We are blessed with a friendly cooperative school community that works together to make projects efficient, enjoyable and successful. Although most of our events are optional, please keep in mind that greater participation inevitably leads to a stronger more cohesive school environment and culture. We will not mandate your time or your contributions.  

Who are the Officers for the 2023-2024 school year?

Holly Twiest, President

Heidi Brouwer, 2nd Yr. President

Michelle Volkers, 1st Yr. President

Katie Ezinga, Treasurer

Jill VanStraten, 2nd Yr. Treasurer

Ashley Spaanstra, 1st Yr. Treasurer

Julie Emelander, Secretary

Emily DeLeeuw, 2nd Yr. Secretary

Erin Barrett, 1st Yr. Secretary