Physical Education

Physical education is an essential part of Christian education because the individual as created by God is a unified being - mind, soul, and body. God created our bodies so that we might use them to glorify him. Our body is not just a shell that houses our mind and soul; rather, it is an integral part of our whole being. The body should be valued as a gift, and should be cared for with respect and honor to God. Scriptures describe our body as the temple of God. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) Because of this, the Christian school has the responsibility of training the whole person so that each can live most effectively to the glory of God and in service to others.

Physical Education at BCCS includes a variety of team sports and fitness activities. Students are encouraged to work together as the body of Christ as they learn various games and sports. They will be taught football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, lacrosse, and a variety of other sports and games during the year. As students grow older and physically mature, they will gradually learn more about the sport, different skills that go along with each sport, and how to work better as a team. They will be encouraged to use their talents to God’s glory and to take care of their bodies because they are a gift from God. Our goal at BCCS is to engage students in various types of physical activity so that they will participate in lifelong physical activity and keep their bodies healthy for God’s glory and honor.

Physical Education Staff

Mrs. Lori Gortsema

Mrs. Lori Gortsema

Miss Gabby Timmer