From the Principal's Desk: Reasons to be Thankful

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It is the season of giving thanks. We have so much to be thankful for every season of the year, but Thanksgiving is a time to spend a little more time reflecting on the many areas in our lives where we can be thankful. There have been countless things to be thankful for this month, including musical performances, the book fair, athletic events, chapels, Moms in Prayer, and the Staff Encouragement Team (SET) here at school who continually bless our staff. I am thankful for all the additional groups and events that support the growth and development of our students.

I am thankful for our veterans. To all of our parents and family members who serve, or have served, to defend and protect our freedoms, we thank you for your service and sacrifice for our nation.

Iā€™m also thankful for all our parents and teachers who are so vested in the lives of our students, which was evident over parent teacher conferences. Thank you for taking the time to talk about your children with our teachers. The BCCS staff is grateful for the opportunity to partner with you in their successes and challenges, as we strive to help your children reach their potential.

Over these last days of the month, be sure to look for the little things and appreciate the big things that we have to be thankful for. God is good! His faithfulness, in both the good and bad times, is evident in all things.


Mr. Onderlinde