Music, Maracas, and Movement

All learning at BCCS can point us toward finding roles in God’s Story. Music class in elementary school is a great place to explore music, practice foundational skills, prepare for performances, and above all, worship. It is a place for meaningful learning! 

This year, Mrs. Vieu’s and Mrs. Visser's preschool classes were learning to be Earth Keepers by studying recycling and other ways to care for creation. To practice reusing and recycling,  students created maracas out of recycled materials for music class and used them for movement stations in the classrooms. 

At the same time, our kindergarten music classes were exploring solfege (do, re, mi, fa, sol, etc). The kindergarten classes decided to use this method to compose a song for younger learners. What topic would make for a fun and quirky preschool song? A song about litter, of course! Our kindergarten music classes used their new knowledge of solfege to compose the melody for "The Litter Monster.” A recording of the full song was created and shared with the preschoolers, who were able to play their maracas with their new song! This partnership reinforced concepts from both the preschool unit on recycling and the kindergarten music unit.

Teachers at BCCS continuously collaborate to deepen learning, and learning is enriched when students have a chance to do meaningful work with newly-learned content. In this case, it was sharing and making music together!