Athletics at BCCS

There are many great opportunities for students at BCCS to find their role in God’s story. Our middle school athletics program is one example. Zach Schutte, our athletic director, shares more about why these extracurricular programs are important: 

At BCCS, our mission is, “to provide children of the Christian community an excellent education, rooted in God’s Word, preparing them for lifelong service in God’s Kingdom.” In middle school, we believe that athletics are a vital part of our mission. Athletics often serve as the “face” of a school. Athletics offer the unique opportunity to put our school on display in front of a variety of audiences on a regular basis. Oftentimes, the only understanding people have of a community is the attitude and actions of the sports teams. Because of this, we believe it is vital that we teach our athletes how to use their gifts as a way to serve and love others, while also working to the best of our ability, serving God and not man. Our desire is to see all participants grow in their skill and character. We believe sports can build the character that is necessary for our athletes to be lifelong servants in God’s Kingdom.”

In our classrooms, learners have short-term goals related to learning skills which are connected to long-term targets related to habits and practices they will need to succeed. The field or court is no different. Coaches work to help our players develop skills essential to their respective sport and give them opportunities to try something new. However, it is also critical that athletes practice long-term habits such as determination, grace under pressure, and treating all people (including opposing players and referees) with value and respect. For some students, they will go on to play sports in high school and college and for others, they will stop after middle school. Regardless, our athletics program is intended to be a place for students to not only develop essential skills, but practice important long-term character goals that will help them succeed both on and off the court!